More Development

Does Hardwicke need more houses? Over the past 20 years, we have grown substantially to over 7000 houses. We have expanded with the welcome addition of The Plantation, Dales Wharf, Sellars Farm, Hunts Grove plus other infill and recently had the Incinerator  built at Javellin Park. Can Hardwicke and the infrastructure cope with more houses?

4 thoughts on “More Development

  1. Hardwicke has and always will be the dumping ground of Stroud Council. We have a small part of our village left and if this goes ahead, we will have nothing!

  2. The roads around here will not cope with more traffic, its a nightmare now, Green Lane is dangerous now especially at school times, when parents park on the lane to drop off and pick up children from Hardwicke School. With entrances to a new estate this will cause more traffic and more hazards!!! Someone is going to get hurt. Our wildlife is going to be affected, walks around Greenland will be gone 😢 We don’t need more houses we have not got enough school places doctors places dentist the list goes on …. where are all the extra children all go to school ie primary then onto secondary schools!!!!! We need more schools now as more and more children are having to go out of area as it is. I really.dont understand why developers have to build in rural areas that are all ready highly built up areas? And taken so much of our precious Greenland wildlife space away. Not to say flood plan areas. Going to make these area flood even more as there is going to be no where for the water to drain away too

  3. No no no. We do not need any more houses in Hardwicke. The area planned is virtually the only green fields left in the parish. I will never accept this development. I feel really sorry for all the lovely houses in the proposed development that will be surrounded by new builds. Look elsewhere Redrow.

  4. Disgusted by the fact that nobody has even put flyers or any door to door for the local residents of whom this will affect yet I see posts saying they have handed out excess of 2000 surveys. Well obviously not to local residents. This development will take away much need green land which should be saved. We’re supposed to going green and reducing co2 emissions so why would stroud consider dumping 1000 plus houses on the outskirts of gloucester. Personally gloucester County Council should be in control of this area as it seems stroud council have no consideration for the residents and more 8nterested in filling there pockets yet they do ot care about the voting members who actually put them in the positions they are currently in.

    Shame on hardwicke court for selling the land to redrow only to see planning permission to build a swimming pool on there estate.

    Also the amount of wildlife in the affected areas will be decimated by this construction.

    Hardwicke has seen enough expansion and nothing to support road networks or local amenities ie schools doctors shops et Al

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